Posted Agenda – Town Board Meeting

Please see the included agenda for the Town Board Meeting on July 12, 2023 at 7:30 PM. The agenda is also posted under the “Agendas and Minutes” tab for easier viewing.

Town of Holton
Monthly Board Meeting Agenda
Holton Town Hall – Rosedale Avenue – Abbotsford, WI
Wednesday, July 12th, 2023 @ 7:30 PM

1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Role Call
4. Review of Minutes
5. Public Comment
6. Treasurer’s Report – Paula Ruesch
7. Review of Bills & Authorization of Payroll
8. Central Fire & EMS District – Pat Tischendorf
9. Chairman’s Report – Dennis Venzke
10. Supervisor’s Report
a. Gene Peissig
b. Pat Tischendorf
11. Clerk’s Report – Taylor Ensign
a. Town Hall Rentals
i. Upcoming – Wellman (July 15), Stange (July 29)
ii. Past – None
b. Correspondence
12. Building/Sanitary/Zoning Permits
a. Marathon County Letter – Petition to amend Chapter 17 of the zoning code
b. Any permits received by the clerk leading up to the meeting will be presented
13. New Business to Discuss & Act Upon
a. Assessor’s Contract
b. Any other items brought to our attention
14. Transportation, Roads, Equipment & Maintenance
a. Fabick Cat – Findings on inspection
15. Employee Concerns **Closed session pursuant to chapter 19.85**
16. Next Board Meeting – Wednesday, August 9, 2023 @ 7:30 PM
a. Set September Meeting
17. Adjournment 


If you wish to be included on the agenda, please contact:
Taylor Ensign – Clerk (715)316.2040
Dennis Venzke – Chairman (715)965.1421